„Language criticism as social criticism in a European perspective” (2012–2017)
Aus dem Promotionskolleg hervorgegangene Doktorarbeiten und Publikationen
Mast, Maria (2020): Kultureme als Spiegel des Denkens.Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler (Linguistik in Empirie und Theorie/Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics 1).
Schwidlinski, Pierre (2020): Erlebte Authentizität. Diskursive Herstellung von Authentizität zwischen Performanz und Zuschreibung. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (Sprache und Wissen 41).
Weiland, Verena (2020): Sprachwissenschaftliche Zugriffe auf Diskurse Ein korpuslinguistischer Ansatz am Beispiel des Themas „Sicherheit und Überwachung“ in Frankreich. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (Studia Romanica 220).
Felder, Ekkehard/Jacob, Katharina/Schwinn, Horst/Busse, Beatrix/Große, Sybille/
Gvozdanović, Jadranka/Lobin, Henning/Radtke, Edgar (2019): Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online (HESO). Online Handbook of Language Criticism – A European Perspective. Manuel en ligne de la Sprachkritik en Europe. Manuale Online di Sprachkritik Europea. Online priručnik za europsku jezičnu kritiku. Heidelberg University Publishing (http://heiup.uni-heidelberg.de/journals/index.php/heso/index).
Felder, Ekkehard/Jacob, Katharina/Schwinn, Horst/ Busse, Beatrix/Große, Sybille/
Gvozdanović, Jadranka/Lobin, Henning/Radtke, Edgar (2017 ff.): Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online (HESO). Online Handbook of Language Criticism – A European Perspective. Manuel en ligne de la Sprachkritik en Europe. Manuale Online di Sprachkritik Europea. Online priručnik za europsku jezičnu kritiku. Heidelberg University Publishing (http://heiup.uni-heidelberg.de/journals/index.php/heso/index).
Felder, Ekkehard/Schwinn, Horst/Busse, Beatrix/Eichinger, Ludwig M. /Große,
Sybille/Gvozdanović, Jadranka/Jacob, Katharina/Radtke, Edgar (2017 ff.): Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online (HESO). Online Handbook of Language Criticism in a European Perspective. Manuel en ligne de la critique de la langue en Europe. Online Manuale di Critica della Lingua nella Prospettiva Europea. Online priručnik za europsku jezičnu kritiku. Heidelberg University Publishing (http://heiup.uni-heidelberg.de/journals/index.php/heso/index).
Funk, Johannes (2017): Sprachkritik und Lexikographie. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung französischer und spanischer Wörterbücher mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den Akademiewörterbüchern. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (Studia Romanica 207).
Weiland, Verena (2017): Ami, allié oder partenaire? – Eine linguistische Analyse wahrnehmungsleitender Ausdrücke in französischen Printmedien am Beispiel der Reaktionen auf die Ausspähaffäre der National Security Agency. In: Demeulenaere, Alex / Henke, Florian / Vatter, Christoph (Hg.): . Interfaces franco-allemandes dans la culture populaire et les médias. Dispositifs de médiation interculturels et formes de perception de l’Autre. Berlin: LIT (Populäre Kultur und Medien 8), S. 284-305.
Weiland, Verena (2017): Analysing the French Discourse About ‘Surveillance and Data Protection’ in the Context of the NSA Scandal. Methodological Reflections and Results in Terms of Content. In: Baumann, Max-Otto / Schünemann, Wolf (Hrsg.): Privacy, Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Europe, Springer International Publishing, S. 45-59.
The doctoral study course „Language criticism as social criticism in a European perspective” was a fixed component of the ESO-project group. It was financed by the Postgraduate Scholarship Programme of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg and was supported by Heidelberg University’s graduate academy. Since January 2013, five doctoral students have been working on dissertational projects on language critical questions in German, Italian, English, French and Spanish. Their doctoral theses foreground the sociopolitical perspective of language criticism and focus on subjective language reflection as an indicator of specific thought styles and cultural characteristics in the respective European speech communities. Focal points concern the role of language criticism with respect to the establishment and implementation of language norms on the one hand, and language criticism within the linguistic construction and constitution of authenticity and national identities on the other.
The work of the research group was further supported by junior researchers whose dissertations are also thematically close to the field of language criticism. The doctoral students and junior researchers were closely involved in the plannings and publications of the project group and also partook in all other concerns.
In addition, they received intensive mentoring through various professors. The group meetings were regularly used for presentations and discussions of the ongoing dissertational projects. The doctoral students and junior researchers also regularly discussed current language critical issues between meetings. A blog was available for exchanges with an interested public and for small-scale publications. For instance, the doctoral students’ reflections concerning the debate on political correctness in children’s literature was published in Aptum, a journal for language criticism and linguistic culture, under the title “Negro king or king of the South Seas? A linguistic and language critical comment” (2014, Issue 1).
In the planning of events and in finding national and international cooperation partners, the ESO-group attached great importance to the main research foci and objectives of the stipendiaries. At the inauguration of the doctoral study course in January 2013, Professor Deborah Cameron from the University of Oxford gave a talk on “Verbal Hygiene after 9/11: English, Language and Britishness”, in which she set forth her concept of language criticism for the English language. In May 2014, national and international experts intensively discussed the predominantly European perspective of the project and the application of ‘language criticism’ to other languages during a workshop in Heidelberg. The workshop focused not only on the objectives of the ESO research group in general, but also on the specific topics and aims of the doctoral projects. In the summer semester 2014, ESO invited various national and international cooperation partners as guest lecturers for a lecture series on ‘language and identity’. In this context, the doctoral students had the opportunity to present their theses and to discuss their objectives as well as those of the ESO research group with these experts.
Johannes Funk (PhD scholarship holder, Department for Romance Studies, Heidelberg University)
Dissertation: Funk, Johannes (2017): Sprachkritik und Lexikographie. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung französischer und spanischer Wörterbücher mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den Akademiewörterbüchern. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag (Studia Romanica 207).
Abstract: Dictionary writers hold a position of power in both the French and the Spanish speaking communities, which is linked to the great public interest in linguistic issues and debates in Francophonie and Hispanophony. The prestigious language academies in particular have a linguistic, but also social and political influence in their dictionaries. The language-evaluating judgments are often accepted uncritically by many speakers. Every lexicographical reference work is based on decisions that often cannot be traced back to objective criteria, but are sometimes deliberately judgmental and influence the dictionary user in his or her use of language. This turns every dictionary author into a “language critic” who, at least in the perception of many users, defines what is “correct” and what is “wrong”.
Curriculum vitae:
- 2017: Second state examination at the “State Seminar for Didactics and Teacher Training (Gymnasium) Heilbronn”
- 2016: Promotion to Dr. Phil at the University of Heidelberg
- March 2013: Co-organizer of the EZS winter school “Linguistic approaches to conflicts in the European language areas. Corpus – Pragmatics – controversial”, together with doctoral and postdoctoral students of the EZS
- January 2013: Beginning of the PhD project within the PhD programme “Language criticism as social criticism in a European perspective”
- October – December 2012: Student tutor at the Department for Romance Studies at Heidelberg University
- August and October 2012: State examination in German (minor subject)
- July 2012: Graduate thesis on: „The forms of address Madame and Mademoiselle from a language-critical perspective”
- March and April 2012: State examination in French (major subject)
- August and October 2011: State examination in Spanish (major subject)
- 2009 – 2010: Year abroad at the Université de Poitiers (France), Coimbra Group scholarship
- 2007 – 2008: Year abroad at the Universitat de Lleida (Spain), Erasmus scholarship
- 2004: High school graduation (Wieland Gymnasium in Biberach/Riß)
Research interests: Language criticism, lexicography, sociolinguistics (language contact), pragmatics (politeness), didactics, cognitive linguistics
Luisa Larsen (PhD scholarship holder, Romance Studies, Heidelberg University)
Dissertation: Insista perché parlino sempre in italiano. A language-political and language-critical case study of Italian in schools (1912-1952)
Abstract: As part of a contribution to the writing of language history in non-literary Italian, the focus of this PhD project lies on the extent of influence that the institutions “school” and “church” had for the advancement of the Italianisation process in the first half of the 20th century. A diachronic analysis of texts produced in the educational and ecclesiastical domains aims to determine which different effects these important institutions had on the implementation of Italian. While the church ensured the basic use of Italian in society independently of the linguistic competences of its followers, the school (as the most important institution that executed language-political decisions) had a standardising function. The main focus of the dissertation lies on the school; however, since both institutions served as models for correct language use in society, the influence of the church is analysed complementarily in order to arrive at a more holistic picture of the Italianisation process. The linguistic analysis of exercise books (corpus “school”) aims to reveal which linguistic features prevailed in schools. A comparison of educational plans, grammar books and teacher handbooks will show whether or not these features met the ideas and expectations of language politics, or whether a special form of “school Italian” crystallised. The investigation of the corpus “church” (which consists of obituaries and epitaphs) will examine which form of Italian may be understood as elementary.
Curriculum vitae:
- December 2017: 2nd state examination at the Center for practical school teacher training Cologne
- October 2016: Head of Section, together with Daniela Pietrini, at the Franco-Romance Studies Day in Saarbrücken (“Privacy and Public Spheres through the Ages”)
- April 2012 – April 2013: Participation in planning the ninth LIMES-Colloquium that took place in Heidelberg in April 2013
- March 2013: Participation in the EZS winter school „Linguistic approaches to conflicts in European language areas. Corpus – Pragmatics – controversial”
- September 2011: Poster presentation at the congress of the SLI (Association of Italian linguists) in Aosta/Bard/Turin (Italy)
- June 2011: Poster presentation on the occasion of Heidelberg University’s 625-year-celebration
- April 2011: Research visit at the School Archive of INDIRE in Florence (Italy)
- March 2011: Research visit in Brescia (Italy)
- April 2010 – February 2013: Research assistant at the Department for Romance Studies at Heidelberg University
- March 2010: Beginning of a PhD project on the influence of the institutions school and church on the Italianisation process since the unification of Italy
- December 2008 – March 2009: Graduate thesis („Ricerche storico-linguistiche di testi d’uso in Lombardia“): A language-historical analysis of functional texts (obituaries, letters, postcards) as a contribution to the history of non-literary Italian texts since the unification of Italy
- January 2007 – July 2008: Helmholtz-Gymnasium, Heidelberg: assistant teacher for Spanish as a foreign language
- September 2005 – March 2006: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres (Spain): Semester abroad
- August 2005: Universitá per Stranieri, Perugia (Italy): Course on Italian language and regional studies (Scholarship by the Italian Consulate General, Stuttgart)
- October 2002 – November 2009: Heidelberg University: French, Italian and Spanish (Teacher state examination)
Research interests: Language criticism, language politics, language history from below, standardization
Maria Mast (PhD scholarship holder, German and Romance Studies, Heidelberg University)
Dissertation: Mast, Maria (2020): Kultureme als Spiegel des Denkens.Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler (Linguistik in Empirie und Theorie/Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics 1).
Abstract: Language is a medium in which specific traits of a culture and a society are revealed. Extralingual reality, thought and language mutually affect each other in the process. Mental perceptions and thoughts specific to a given culture are reflected in language and channeled in specific directions via individuals’ linguistic sign systems.
These types of channelled thought and speech inherent in a given culture may be called culturemes. Culturemes are abstract units that carry societal information and that can be distinguished from one another in an intracultural as well as an intercultural perspective. Culturemes are construed from the mutual influence of culture-specific thought and speech. Due to their specific perspective, linguistic patterns such as language-critical and language-reflexive utterances serve as indicators for differences in perception and thought in a society. This study analyses discourse about work and every-day life in order to show how culturemes may be distinguished from each other, how they are construed as mutually dependent of thought and speech, and how they reflect culturally specific world views.
Curriculum Vitae:
- 2014 – 2019: PhD project as part of the PhD programme on “Language criticism as social criticism in a European perspective”
- September 2015 – December 2015/September 2014 – December 2014: Research stay at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona with a grant from the Ibero-America Center in Heidelberg
- August 2015: Lecture “Language and cultural identity” at the XIII. World Congress of the International Association for German Studies 2015 (Tongji University, Shanghai) with a scholarship from the DAAD
- July 2015: Summer School in Corpus Approaches to Social Science (University of Lancaster)
- April 2014 – August 2014: Student assistant (tutor) at the Institute for German as a Foreign Language Seminar at the University of Heidelberg
- October 2013: State examination in Romance Studies (Spanish)
- July 2013: Graduate thesis on “The role of the Real Academia Española in the struggle of the ‘best Spanish‘”
- March 2013: Participation in the EZS winter school „Linguistic approaches to conflicts in European language areas. Corpus – Pragmatics – controversial”
- May 2013: State examination in German
- October 2012 – July 2013: Student tutor at the German Department of Heidelberg University
- October 2010 – April 2011: Teaching assistant in Thonon-les-Bains and Évian-les-Bains (France)
- September 2009 – July 2010: Term abroad at the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)
- September 2007 – October 2013: German and Romance Studies (Spanish) at Heidelberg University (Teacher state examination for secondary education)
- 2006: High school graduation from Enztal-Gymnasium Bad Wilbad
Pierre Schwidlinski (PhD scholarship holder, German Department, Heidelberg University)
Dissertation: Schwidlinski, Pierre (2020): Erlebte Authentizität. Diskursive Herstellung von Authentizität zwischen Performanz und Zuschreibung. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (Sprache und Wissen 41).
Abstract: The dissertation project focuses on a corpus-based analysis of (non-)authenticity attributions the narrative process of medial (de-)authentication and its framework.
The performative creation of person and (narrative) identity only experiences (de-)authentication at the moment of attribution by others and thus its public status as authentic or non-authentic. Despite its high-value word and buzzword status, the attribution of authenticity also manifests itself as a socio-cultural experience of authenticity or that which is mediated as “experienced authentically”. The subject of the investigation is more than 30,000 media texts from German-language, national daily and weekly newspapers together with their respective online publications from the period from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2015.
A model was developed that shows the process of media (de-)authentication. Through the qualitative and quantitative exploration of existing (sub-)narratives of the authentic in the space of the media public, indicators of “experienced authenticity” were conceptualized, which are understood across contexts as signs of authenticity. This makes it possible to understand which social-semiotic practices in which social performances – and within which frame of reference – are considered authentic or non-authentic.
Curriculum Vitae:
- Since February 2017: Junior consultant at the concept and communications consultancy Synchronis GmbH (Hamburg)
- October – December 2015: Internship at the concept and communications consultancy Synchronis GmbH (Hamburg)
- April – September 2015: Lecturer at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (linguistic proseminar on “Forms and functions of language criticism in the 19th and 20th centuries”)
- 2014 – 2017: PhD project as part of the PhD programme “Language criticism as social criticism in a European perspective”
- February – July 2014: Internship in brand communications at the Daimler AG in Stuttgart (Mercedes-Benz Classic)
- October 2013: State examination in Lutheran Theology
- July 2013: Graduate thesis: „Theological aspects in Hugo von Hofmannthal’s Chandos letter“
- May 2013: State examination in German Studies
- October 2010: Course of study in Politics and Economics at Heidelberg University
- March 2010 – July 2010: Teaching assistant at the German School in Porto (Portugal)
- October 2007 – November 2013: Course of studies of German and Lutheran Theology at Heidelberg University
- 2006: High-school graduation from Hölty-Gymnasium in Wunstorf
Research interests: Lingustic language criticism, language and style, pragmatics, the relationship between language – thinking – the world
Verena Weiland (Postgraduate member, German and Romance Studies, Heidelberg University)
Research project: Weiland, Verena (2020): Sprachwissenschaftliche Zugriffe auf Diskurse Ein korpuslinguistischer Ansatz am Beispiel des Themas „Sicherheit und Überwachung“ in Frankreich. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (Studia Romanica 220).
Abstract: The characteristics of French discourse linguistics differ significantly from the characteristics of discourse analysis in German-speaking and Anglophone countries, both in terms of method and content. Since country-specific diverse approaches can be identified, but there is a lack of comprehensive reception of the respective approaches, the following research desiderata are addressed in the dissertation project:
I. A methodological review and synthesis of the state of research for French-language discourse analysis, while at the same time aligning it with the international state of research.
II. A linking of methodological approaches with methods inspired by cognitive science to analyze social knowledge structures, as is currently being done in Germany and the USA.
III. An extension of the object of investigation both in relation to the linguistic levels, since in France the primacy of a lexicological orientation is emerging, and with a view to the dimension of content.
IV. A turn to discourse actors and dealing with so-called “agonal centers”, since these general areas of conflict come to the fore.
V. The inclusion of corpora of the spoken language, since discourse-analytical work is largely limited to the written language of the print media.
Subsequently, the developed approaches are to be exemplified in a corpus of written and spoken language, the thematic orientation of which is interdisciplinary with the topic of Surveillance and Security in Public Space.
Curriculum Vitae:
- Since 2015: PhD scholarship holder by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Foundation for University Studies)
- 2014 – 2019: PhD student as Cotutelle, Heidelberg University / Université Paris-Est, Laboratoire Céditec (Centre d’études des discours, images, textes, écrits, communication), supervisor: Pascale Delormas
- Since 2013: Reserach Assistant at the Department of Romance Studies at Heidelberg University, chair of Prof. Dr. Sybille Große
- 2013: Graduate thesis on: “Language criticism is something for everyone.” – Is there a concept of language criticism for French?
- 2008 – 2014: Course of studies of French, German, and Political Sciences (state examination) at Heidelberg University and at the Ècole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- August 2008 and 2009: Au-Pair in France (Saumur area) to improve French language skills
- 2008: High-school graduation from Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium Bad Wimpfen
Research interests: Language criticism, language politics, sociolinguistics, semiotics, pragmatics
Kathrin Wenz (Postgraduate member, Romance Studies; Heidelberg University)
Dissertation: Wenz, Kathrin (2017): Bloguer sa vie. Französischen Weblogs im Spannungsfeld zwischen Individualität und Gruppenzugehörigkeit. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang Edition (Variolingua 49).
Abstract: As the first of its kind, this media-linguistic study describes in detail the communication encountered in French web blogs. It aims to give insight into language use as a means of identity construction in virtual spaces, which characterises current computer-based communication. In addition, the study offers an analysis of the types of texts and their multimodal implementation in web blog communication, as well as of the emergence of a group language and the visual presentation of social contacts. The texts are characterised by orthographic variations and a deliberately personal style of writing that is independent of the author’s age and gender. A further aim is to predict possible future developments for French regarding its written use.
Curriculum Vitae:
- since 2016: Research assistant at the Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)
- 2014 – 2016: DAAD lector at the Université Poitiers (France)
- 2011 – 2013: Member of the Heidelberg Graduate school for the humanities and social sciences HGGS
- 2011 – 2014: PhD scholarship holder at the Department of Romance Studies, Heidelberg University; scholarship from the state of Baden-Württemberg, defence April 2005, summa cum laude
- 2010 – 2011: Research assistant at the Department of Romance Studies, Heidelberg
- 2003 – 2009: Course of studies of Romance languages (French and Spanish) at Heidelberg University and at the Université Jean Moulin (Lyon, France), state examination
- Wenz, Kathrin (2018): #franchirleseuil : autour des fonctions des hashtags en ligne et hors ligne. In: Rentel, Nadine/Schröder, Tilman (Hrsg.) : Sprache und digitale Medien. Aktuelle Tendenzen kommunikativer Praktiken im Französischen. Berlin/Bern/Bruxelles/New York/Oxford/Warszawa/Wien: Peter Lang.
- Wenz, Kathrin (2017): Online Text Types. In: Bedijs, Kristina/Maaß, Christiane (Hrsg.): Manual of Romance Languages in the Media. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.
- Wenz, Kathrin (2017): Bloguer sa vie. Französischen Weblogs im Spannungsfeld zwischen Individualität und Gruppenzugehörigkeit. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang Edition (Variolingua 49).
- Pietrini, Daniela/Wenz, Kathrin (Hrsg.) (2016): Dire la crise: mots, textes, discours / Dire la crisi: parole, testi, discorsi / Decir la crisis: palabras, textos, discursos, Approches linguistiques à la notion de crise / Approcci linguistici al concetto di crisi / Enfoques lingüìsticos sobre el concepto de la crisis. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
- Wenz, Kathrin (2016): Internetphänomeme – Verknüpfungen von Schrift und Bild im virtuellen Raum. In: Baechler, Coline/Eckkrammer, Eva Martha/Müller-Lancé, Johannes/Thaler, Verena (Hrsg.): Medienlinguistik 3.0. Formen und Wirkung von Textsorten im Zeitalter des Social Web. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
- Wenz, Kathrin (2016): La conception des weblogs de bricolage et des blogs scientifiques. In: Jacob, Daniel/Gadet, Françoise (Hrsg.): Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013). Section 9: Rapports entre langue écrite et langue parlée. Nancy, ATILF, 201-214 [http://www.atilf.fr/cilpr2013/actes/section-9.html].
- Wenz, Kathrin (2014): Au marché des commentaires. In: Bastian, Sabine/Burkhardt, Julia/Burr, Elisabeth (Hrsg.): Langue et identité dans l’espace digital [Sprache – Kultur – Gesellschaft 15]. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, S. 71-88.
- Funk, Johannes/Jacob, Katharina/Larsen, Luisa/Mast, Maria/Weiland, Verena/Wenz, Kathrin (2014) Negerkönig oder Südseekönig? Eine linguistisch-sprachkritische Stellungnahme. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur. 2014/01, S. 57-67.
- Wenz, Kathrin (2012): Entstehung neuer Textsorten im Internet – Überlegungen am Beispiel von Weblogs. In: Bedijs, Kristina/Heyder, Karoline Henriette (Hg.): Sprache und Personen im Web 2.0 – Linguistische Perspektiven auf YouTube, SchülerVZ & Co. Münster: LIT Verlag (Hildesheimer Beiträge zur Medienforschung 1).
Research interests: Language criticism, language in computer-transmitted communication, youth language, synchronic descriptions of French and Spanish, pragmatics, semiotics, text linguistics, technical languages, conversation research